Sweet Minute of Prayer is a website inspried by a sermon titled Sweet Minute of Prayer by evangelist and storyteller Tommy Oaks. We want to help you live out your faith on a daily basis, and one of the best ways to do that is to spend more time listening to and talking to God.
Tommy Oaks
One of Tommy's favorite quotes is,"Jesus said, 'Feed my sheep.' He didn't say 'Feed my giraffes.' "
The food needs to be down where the sheep can get it.
Taking one minute, five times a day, is not a big thing. It's "sheepy."
It is also right down where most of us live, and he honestly hopes this helps
us all draw nearer to God in a very practical way.
Learn more about Tommy Oaks at tommyoaks.com.
John thomas Oaks
John thomas Oaks loves Jesus Christ more than anything else. He and his father, Tommy, travel full time presenting
God's Word in creative ways through the arts of storytelling, music, preaching and theatre.
John thomas' recent productions include VEGAS BLUE, BLUE YORK, and LOVE AUSTIN.
Visit johnthomasoaks.com for more info.