...if one minute, five times a day, was added to your prayer life? Could you observe that something might start happening in your life? Do you think you might start getting closer to God? Do you think you might start understanding prayer more? Do you think your prayer time might get sweeter?
Would you consider making a commitment to add five extra minutes of prayer a day to your life? If so, we suggest our Sweet Minute of Prayer Promise. Maybe this can be your promise, between you and God, to add one minute of prayer, five times a day, to your time with the Lord...
At Sweet Minute of Prayer, we are planning some innovative ways to help you grow in your prayer walk with God. If you want to be informed about our new offerings, sign up for our e-Mail list. And if you want to let us know you've made the commitment to pray, you can tell us here...
We are excited that you are visiting us here at Sweet Minute of Prayer. Whether you found us because you've
heard the message titled Sweet Minute of Prayer by evangelist and storyteller Tommy Oaks, or
you were searching the web on the topic of prayer, we welcome you and hope you stay for awhile and come back often.
Take a couple of minutes to read What Would Happen, a page that explains what Sweet Minute of Prayer is all about. If you have a few more minutes, watch the Sweet Minute of Prayer message on our Media page.
We have added some new guided Sweet Minutes of Prayer videos to our Media page.
They have short messages of encouragement from Tommy Oaks and provide meditative scriptures
to help you in your sweet minutes of prayer times with the Lord.
Keep praying, and God bless you.