Before you read much further, we would like you to stop what you are doing now for 60 seconds. To make it easy for you, we put a simple count down timer on this page (to the right), and when you are ready, Click Here to count down 60 seconds.

Now that you have been still for 60 seconds, ask yourself this question. Do you think you know very many people who take that much time in any given day to stop whatever else it is they are doing to be before God? Do you think that if they did, they would grow nearer to God and that they would get closer to where God wants them to be?

There's a Christian hymn titled Sweet Hour of Prayer that goes like this:

Sweet hour of prayer! Sweet hour of prayer!
That calls me from a world of care,
And bids me at my Father's throne
Make all my wants and wishes known.
In seasons of distress and grief,
My soul has often found relief
And oft escaped the tempter's snare
By thy return, sweet hour of prayer!

An hour of prayer would be great! But maybe that isn't where you are right now. But suppose you could make it the habit of your life to stop and take just one minute a day to pray? And suppose you took one little minute, and then another little minute, and then you took yet another one at a later time, each day? Can you observe that something might start happening in your life? Do you think you might start getting closer to God? Do you think you might start understanding prayer more? Do you think your prayer time might get sweeter?

Now, suppose you got up, and the very first minute of your day, you would take 60 seconds, before anything else, just to be with the Lord. Then suppose that somewhere around breakfast you might do it again. Then suppose that in the middle of the day you added another minute—that would be three minutes—it could be lunch time, or after lunch you go and walk around the block for one minute and pray. Then suppose somewhere along about evening meal time, same thing, you can go out in the yard, or you can stop your car, and before you get out and go into the house, you pray. And then, sometime in the late evening, pray again; that would be five times a day.

If you added five minutes of prayer to your life each day, what do you think would happen?

We call these minutes Sweet Minutes of Prayer. And we believe, if you set aside five moments each day to pray for a minute, that these times you spent with the Father would indeed grow sweeter and sweeter.

If you already have a prayer time everyday, that's great! Just add five more minutes to it throughout your day.

It is our goal here at Sweet Minute of Prayer to encourage you to add one minute of prayer, five times a day to your walk with God. We will be putting resources on our website to help you remember to pray and to help you further grow in your prayer life.

If you believe that this would help you grow closer to God, consider the Sweet Minute of Prayer Promise. And if you Get Involved by registering your Email address, we will notify you as we add resources here.